Monday, November 5, 2007

I Pledge Allegiance

Today I had the chance to visit the preschool that Levi attends. It was "Grandparent's Day" or "Special Person Day" and since we don't have any family that lives close enough to attend, I went. Miss Sheri announced that they would say the pledge and so all of the kids stood up and placed their hands over their hearts. To my amazement, they ALL started reciting the pledge! It was one of the most amazing and proudest moments that I've ever had! I was so proud of Levi, my heart swelled! I just had to get it on film and share it with others! You'll notice that Ziek, of course, had to be a part of the action too. I hope you enjoy the video and are just as proud of him as I am!!!!


Anonymous said...

Levi you are growing up so big and Ziek too!! I miss you guys so much! You guys made me cry when I saw that. I love you with all my heart! Love, Aunt Leah

cara harjes said...

silly blogger is not letting me watch this.
but i bet it is great. these pics and stories are so fantastic - keep posting, my sweet cousin!

love you!

Heather said...

That is too cute!!!! I love his "Did I do it right?"

barthnfagan said...

thanks guys for looking at the blog. We're having lots of fun!!!!