Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It's March!!!
And so far (knock on wood) we've all been "healthy."

The big news is that Kelton has 2 teeth popping through his bottom gums. He's six and a half months old now and growing like a weed!

We weighed him a few weeks ago and he was around 19.5 pounds. He's sitting (with a little help) and rocking back and forth. When he sits on your lap he loves to throw his body forwards and then back to create this rocking motion. He is so strong!

He can also hold himself up with his arms while his tummy and legs stay on the ground, almost like he's doing yoga position.

He likes to be near us, and if we leave the room he lets us know we are MISSED!
He smiles all the time and is such a happy baby.

However, we have this little problem with his burping . . . he still spits up and some times it's projectile! So, I've scheduled an appointment in Columbia to have him tested for acid reflux. I'm afraid he's inherited this from Brett. He's gaining weight- no problems there- it's just that he coats us with spit up EVERY time he eats.

Speaking of eating, he's eating baby foods now. We're in the first foods- carrots, green beans, peaches, pears, applesauce, bananas, prunes, and sweet potatoes. He likes them all!

The photo is of my dad, my boys & my nephews taken the last weekend of February. Dad is holding Connor (3 months) and Kelton (6 months). Chandler (4) is standing next to him.
So cute! Levi (4) is on the left side with Kole (3) on the right side. Ziek (2 & not smiling) and Trey (1) are sitting.

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a cute pic! The boys are getting so big!!!!! Oh, I have your scrapbooking magazines to give back to you. Sorry I have had them for so long. I will be in Sedalia at the end of the month and will return them then. :)