Thursday, December 27, 2007

My little artist

See anything wrong with this picture?

Look closer . . .

While Brett & I were painting a room in the basement last night, Levi was up to no good. He found one of Brett's carpenter's pencils and he drew on one of the unfinished walls in another room.

I called Levi into the room and I asked him, "what is this?" He replied, with a straight face, "it's a caterpiller."

I told him he was lucky that we had not painted that wall yet, because it wasn't nice to draw on walls. I then told him that little boys that wrote on walls usually get spanked. I thought he would feel bad about it, but instead he said "well, that's ok; you can paint over it."

Well thank you very much! We have a 4 year old's permission to paint over his drawing!
He's quite a good little artist, though.

Brett and I had a good little chuckle over it.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

that's hilarious! what a cute story!