Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hi everyone!!!!
While I was pregnant with Kelton, everyone asked me if I was going to try for a girl? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Ask a 9 month pregnant lady if she wants to get pregnant again???
Sure, I'd LIKE to have a baby girl, but God gave me baby boys.

I'm not sure if we're going to have any more kids . . . THREE BOYS is enough for me. People also joked about that old TV show title "My Three Sons". I guess that's our new family title. The only difference from us and the TV show is that there are 2 parents. Oh and we live in color, and we live in the year 2007, and none of them wear glasses, oh, and they are much younger . . .

All kidding aside, I love each and every one of them. They each have their own personalities and keep me plenty busy. Sometimes my nerves are stretched to the max and I get stressed out over having to manage these 3 little lives, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything.
So . . . I wanted to start a blog about life at the Barth-Fagan house. There are so many funny things that go on I just have to start sharing them!!!

Check back frequently, I'll update it at least once a week!

Levi . . .

Levi is 4, has started pre-school at our church. He is such an awesome little guy! He's so smart and very helpful as well. The other day Kelton was crying in the car; Levi was sitting next to Kelton and he said "don't worry mom, I'll take care of Kelton so you can drive".

Levi is playing soccer now. He's one of the shortest players on his team. However, he is also one of the fastest runners (he takes after his mom) and he loves to play. He's learning to write his name and asks us to read books to him all the time. He gets along well with other kids, but when it comes to sharing with Ziek, he's a hoarder! He likes his independence and his stuff. He and Ziek share a room now. They have bunk beds. Levi, of course, gets the top bunk and Ziek is on the bottom. At night, Levi will try every trick in the book to keep from sleeping in his own bed. A few times he's told us that his room scares him. I asked, "what is so scary about your room?" He answered, "the blue walls are scary, mom, I want to paint them yellow." What the heck??? Yellow!??!!!?? I guess sometime soon we'll have to really paint the walls yellow . . .

Ziek . . .

Ziek is 18 months old. He loves to ham it up for you and will say "cheese" any time you pull out the camera. We haven't cut his long curly blonde hair because it's just so darn cute! He's got a "surfer boy" look going on. He has started using words such as please, cheese, milk, thank you, and so on. He'll repeat the words you say and most times it's just jibber-jabber. He loves to dance and sing too. When the music comes on in the car, we turn around to see just what dance moves he's breaking out. He's fun-loving and always wants to kiss baby Kelton. What a blessing it is to have such a sweet boy. Pretty soon we won't be able to shut him up, he'll be talking so much!


Kelton was born on August 17, 2007. He's the newest addition to our family. He's the 3 in "My 3 Sons". He's now sleeping a good 7 hours straight through the night, waking up around 3 a.m. to eat. He's starting to smile and make those adorable baby cooing noises. He's pretty laid back and doesn't cause much trouble, only when he's hungry and starts crying!

That's it for now. Check back soon.


Heather said...

So glad you started a blog! The boys are adorable!!

barthnfagan said...

Thanks Heather! :)

AmyG said...

So when are we going to start working on repainting Levi's room yellow? I'm in!

barthnfagan said...

I'm off on Friday the 26th. Levi will have to pick the shade of yellow that doesn't scare him first. Call me!