Monday, October 29, 2007

MOM, look at what your son did. . .

Last night while the bath tub was filling up, Levi stripped down and hopped in. Ziek, on the other hand, didn't wait to BE stripped down and got into the tub FULLY CLOTHED!
I hate to admit it, but there weren't any adults present in the bathroom at the time; I was saying goodbye to some friends and Brett was undressing Kelton. From the bathroom Brett and I hear Levi saying "MOM, look at what your son did." We went into the bathroom and there sat Ziek, jeans and all, in the middle of the tub. We were roaring! I don't think he knew what to do next. Of course I did! I grabbed the camera and got a picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny!! I can see Ziek doing something like that!! And Levi saying that too. :)