Thursday, October 11, 2007

Halloween 2007

Last year was an easy year for choosing Halloween costumes. Levi "loves" Spiderman, so naturally he dressed as Spiderman.

Ziek was not able to walk yet, so by default he was a "Sweet Pea" in a pod. Wasn't he cute???

This year is a whole other story. We've got 3 boys to dress and possibly 3 costumes to choose.

So here's what I'm up against:

a. do we dress them all alike or

b. let Levi choose what he wants to be . . . and dress Ziek and Kelton the same as Levi or

c. let Levi choose what he wants to be . .. and dress Ziek and Kelton differently

Levi has told me he wants to be a Ninja Turtle; His best buddy Adam (the Ninja Turtle in the photo above) has the costume- no expense there . . .

The "Sweet Pea" costume is too big for Kelton, so I have to find something else.

My favorite place to shop has cute costumes too. Ziek could be a LION or a Zebra!

But the outfits for Kelton are really just onesies . . .

So, I'm asking for suggestions from you! What should the boys be for Halloween???


AmyG said...

I am totally digging the lion costume!!!
Old Navy has some cute kids costumes too... perhaps a trip to Columbia is in order!!
Love ya-

barthnfagan said...

I think the lion is way cute too!
When would you like us to come see you????